There are many different types of skills and abilities in World of Warcraft that players can acquire and use to improve their gameplay. Here are a few examples:

Class Abilities: Each of the game's twelve playable classes has unique abilities that can be learned and used. These abilities typically depend on the class's role in battle (such as a tank, healer, or damage dealer) and can range from offensive spells to defensive buffs to crowd control effects.

Professions: Players can learn various professions such as herbalism, mining, blacksmithing and more. These professions allow players to gather resources, craft items, and craft powerful gear and consumables.

Secondary Skills: There are several secondary skills that players can learn, including cooking, fishing, and first aid. These skills allow players to create food and potions, catch fish, and heal themselves and other players to replenish health and other resources.

Abilities: As players level up, they gain skill points that they can use to customize their character's abilities and playstyle. Each class has three skill trees, each with its own unique abilities to learn.

Mounts: Players can acquire mounts that will help them travel faster and more efficiently through the game world. These may include horses, dragons, and other creatures.

Overall, there are many different skills and abilities in World of Warcraft that players can acquire and master to help them progress through the game's various challenges and adventures.

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